Covid19 Update
Our team has done a remarkable job working hard to keep Covid-19 out of our treatment center, despite our tireless efforts we have our first positive case. Unfortunately, we knew this day would arrive and we are well prepared for it. This is what we have been planning for since late February 2020. Once our daily assessment revealed potential symptoms, we quickly quarantined this resident and assigned our designated Special Care Staff to monitor any quarantined youth suspected or confirmed . These dedicated staff have volunteered to cohort with infected residents, and minimize any contact with any other residents or employees in an effort to minimize any further spread. We prepared and are utilizing a quarantine area on a separate floor from the rest of our youth. This area is equipped with a reverse ventilation system that runs continuously, forcing air out of the area and the building completely. We are continuing to monitor all residents daily for symptoms, and any sick child has their vitals checked regularly by a nurse and is assessed daily by a Nurse Practitioner.
Mitigation Strategies
We continue our entry screening process and policy requiring employees immediately report any symptoms by phone and not report to work.
Our professional housekeeping contractor continues to clean all frequently touched surfaces with hospital grade disinfectant, and our staff are supplementing that cleaning with the same grade disinfectant. Our hand washing campaign continues and we are vigorously enforcing social distancing measures wherever possible. We continue measures, like no communal dining and re-structuring activities, in an effort to increase social distancing. Masks are available to all employees and we are requiring they be worn at all times while in close contact with anyone on site. Masks are available to residents as well, and we have sufficient stock to re-supply masks to residents and staff as needed. We are carefully assessing any new admissions, which includes a test for Covid-19. New admissions are immediately placed on quarantine status until we can confirm test results and an absence of symptoms.
It is our policy to test any youth in our care for Covid-19, if they display symptoms.
Our planning and communication is paying off with a smooth and well-orchestrated response to our first case. From our physicians and nurses, to our teachers, therapists and direct care staff, everyone is doing their part to ensure each child receives treatment of the highest quality.