Covid19 Update – An Open Letter From Our CEO
As we continue our journey through this challenging time, our CEO Eric Baumgartner shared the following message to our entire staff. We are proud of the work being done every day at New Hope and our leaders voice expresses it so eloquently.
From Eric Baumgartner – President / CEO
“When things are bad, we take comfort in the thought that they could always get worse. And when they are, we find hope in the thought that things are so bad they have to get better.” – Malcolm Forbes, an American Entrepreneur.
Whether we are nearing the peak of Covid-19 or still on the upward side of the curve, and despite the sadness and fear that we are experiencing, hold onto hope. Hope is part of our name, our promise and our mission. Let hope be part of you, every moment of every day. Impart the gift of hope to each other and to our residents. Care for one another, listen to one another, find strength in one another, pray for one another…and hope for one another.
Thank you all for being heroes during this pandemic, by coming to work and caring for our residents. Our residents, who have serious mental health issues that pose significant danger to their and others’ health and safety were they to not be at New Hope Carolinas, rely on each of you. Though many of our residents may not say it, I will. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
It is more than hope, it is fact. We will get through this…together.