Eggcellent Easter Sunday Egg Hunt
A lot of work goes into a day at New Hope and celebrating Easter Sunday was no eggception. Our Recreation Therapy Department, with assistance from other staff, planned and pulled off a Easter Egg Hunt of massive proportions. Our team filled and hid over 2,000 eggs for our kids to find! That’s a lot of eggs.
Recreation Therapy is all about evidenced based interventions, but sometimes good old fun is overlooked as an intervention that can also help residents in their healing journey.
8 Benefits of Having Fun
Reduce stress*increase serotonin*improved ability to cope*boost energy*improve memory and concentration*improve connections with others*helps sleep*helps create positive patterns that support healthy living
So let’s not forget plan old fashion FUN activities, like our Annual Easter Egg Hunt, are also evidenced based interventions.
Members of our Recreation Therapy Department on Easter Sunday