Good Customer Service and Great Outcomes
A recent successful discharge from our New Choices PRTF program sparked a generous gift recognizing the dedication and excellent care by provided by New Hope staff. Pastor Sherry Hicks donated 100 spaghetti dinners for our staff to enjoy. Pastor Sherry is the owner of Paradise Subs and Deli out of Lenoir NC, a food truck with an amazing menu with something for everyone.
Here is what Pastor Sherry said about the care her loved one received while with us:
“I’m more than pleased with New Hope Carolinas. They really restored and put my family back together, without New Hope he would not have been able to stay with me. I had to put my faith and trust in the staff and it worked out great for us”.
Thank you Pastor Sherry…thank you for your putting your faith in trust with us…Thank you for your generous gift! Thank you for your dedication to the treatment process!
New Hope…Our Name…Our Promise