Inspiration in the form of Kevin Hines
New Hope Treatment Centers is honored to host Kevin Hines who will be speaking at our facility in Rock Hill, SC on August 31, 2022. Our residents, staff and invited community members will able to meet and hear his inspirational story about his narrow escape from death by suicide by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge.
On September 25,2000 Kevin was a 19-year-old young man who believed that he was a burden to everyone in his life, and that his life was no longer worth living. He’d written a suicide note to his parents the night before, and took the bus to the Golden Gate Bridge where he was asked by a bystander to take her picture moments before he jumped.
Kevin plummeted 220 feet which is 25 stories in a matter of 4 seconds going 75 MPH. His body was thrust approximately 70 feet into the water. He states that he knew immediately that he did not want to die, and prayed to God that his life would be spared.
Incredibly, a sea lion who was swimming nearby kept his body afloat until the Coast Guard rescued him. He was the 26th of the 39 people who plunged into the frigid water that Fall who survived. He was hospitalized several times due to suicidal ideations before he able to come to terms with his mental health issues and begin his long road towards recovery.
Kevin currently lives in San Francisco with his wife Margaret. He is a suicide prevention speaker who visits schools, universities and other settings spreading his story to many. Kevin’s story can be viewed at
Many of the youth who come to New Hope Treatment Centers struggle with suicidal thoughts and we can’t wait to hear Kevin’s inspirational message.