New Hope Happenings
May 25th, 2022
Dear Parent/Legal Guardian/Treatment Ally,
Here is what is happening at New Hope!
In my last letter, I had to share that we were experiencing a spike in our COVID numbers and we had to put into place additional restrictions to mitigate spread. Good news – we currently have ZERO resident cases of COVID-19 at New Hope. We thank our internal medical team, residential team and residents for their ongoing diligence to keep us all safe.
I also wanted to take a moment to recognize the devastating series of events that occurred in our country these last two weeks. Two senseless acts of violence in Buffalo and in Texas remind us all of how precious life is. Our hearts break for the families and communities impacted. As an organization that serves youth who the vast majority suffer from the impact of childhood trauma/loss, these events hit extra close to home at New Hope. It also motivates us to continue to do what we do which is to try to provide hope to those who feel hopeless, and support to those who feel alone.
Despite the heaviness, there is so much positive things happening at New Hope right now that I want to share.
We just completed two successful spring 5ks with our boys and our girls! Every participant is receiving shirts and a bracelet to commemorate their achievement. These were HOT days but the youth did an incredible job and had a blast doing it. We recently celebrated our youth’s success by having a Snow Cone truck come to the facility and gave snow cones to every kid and staff! We are also looking forward to some awesome food and events for Memorial Day weekend including outdoor games and hot dogs/hamburgers. Next week we will begin nearly $30,000 of new paint throughout the resident’s living areas and we are excited about that reinvestment to ensure that our residents know we care about them by caring about their environment.
We are also hosting a large cookout on June 9th where a former successful resident of New Hope Carolinas will be coming to speak and hopefully inspire our current residents to keep pressing towards their goals!
Thank you for your ongoing support and for our parents/guardians, for entrusting us to care for your loved one.
Matt Simon, LMFT