The Year in Pictures
It was a great year for New Hope and those we serve. We accomplished many great things with the greatest being over 225 successful graduates! That’s a lot of lives positively impacted by our talented and passionate team at New Hope Carolinas. Here are some pictures that represent all that we have done together as a TEAM in 2022. We are excited about our future with new service lines being launched, more lives being touched and more staff being onboarded to help us continue our Mission Driven Work. LETS GO!
- OUR GRADUATE / ALL STAR WALL – this was started about halfway through the year. Each hand represents a successful graduate, leaving words of wisdom for their peers. We look forward to more hands of wisdom.

- SPEAKER SERIES LAUNCH – We hosted two speakers for staff, youth and local stakeholders. The first was Mr. Kevin Hines and next Mr. Tommie Mabry. These events were widely succesfull and provided added inspiration for all in attendance. We look forward to continuing this series in 2023 and beyond!

- BUILDING BEAUTIFICATION – Our leadership did an outstanding job of looking at our facility with a critical eye for improvements. Logos were added around the building, mission and treatment philosophy posters were hung, floors were buffed and polished, court yards and recreation areas saw upgrades. Great Job Leaders! Here are a just a few pictures of some of the work.

- LEANING INTO THE CONVERSATIONS AROUND MENTAL HEALTH – Here is our COO, Matt Simon, being interviewed by WCNC in Charlotte. Matt participated in a series of conversations around the state of Mental Health in NC. Great Job Matt!

- GIVING BACK AND EMBRACING THE COMMUNITY – We are extremely proud to help our local community, to be part of the solution, to contribute where can and to flex our “Mission Muscles” beyond our four walls.



STAFF RECOGNITION – In 2023 we started our “New Hope Hero” campaign, recognizing staff who went above and beyond consistently and showed off their “Super Power”. Here they are!

EDUCATION, EDUCATION, EDUCATION – Our school and the creative professionals running it continue to provide unique ways to reach our students.