Therapeutic Home Visits
We are pleased to announce that we are returning to having kids participate in Therapeutic Home Visits (THT’s). Getting home to see family, work on goals, use skills learned and take a break from our treatment setting is large part of how kids succeed at New Hope. Here is letter from our Medical Services Team about this aspect of our programming.
Greetings Treatment Allies! We have been monitoring the community COVID positivity rates and are pleased that they are consistently low. As a result, effective Saturday, April 2nd, we are resuming Therapeutic Home Time (THTs)/off-campus passes.
Please contact the therapist to schedule all visits and THTs. A minimum of four days’ notice is required in order to make sure medications are available for the pass. At this time, upon return from THT, we will still place residents on quarantine status until they receive a negative COVID test. If the positivity rates increase, the Medical Services Team may opt to make changes to the current guidelines and/or suspend off campus activities again.
We are appreciative of your sacrifice and patience as we have worked to keep our residents safe and we look forward to seeing you.
New Hope Medical Services Team