EBP…Easy as 1 -2 – 3
In a recent article in the NY Times (Looking for Evidence That Therapy Works), Harriet Brown wrote, “…many patients are subjected to a kind of dim-sum approach — a little of this, a little of that, much of it derived more from the therapist’s biases and training than from the latest research findings. And even professionals who claim to use evidence-based treatments rarely do. The problem is called ‘therapist drift.’” The leadership of a behavioral health organization must be committed to EBPs…as EBPs.
Training of clinicians must be continuous and focus on the latest research. Clinical supervisors must champion EBP structure in supervision. Clinicians must train and guide direct care staff in EBP use for everyday interactions with consumers. Data collection must be aimed at detecting deviation from EBPs and collecting information on EBP efficacy with the client population.
The use of an EBP is great, but you must prove/disprove that it works for your setting’s consumers. This is our aim and responsibility to the youth in our care, their families and those that fund our services. Check back soon to see our 2012 Outcomes!