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New Hope Promotes World Suicide Prevention Day

September 9, 2014 News

Nearly 40,000 Americans die each year from suicide. To put this into perspective, more lives are lost to suicide than to homicide and war combined on a yearly basis. The majority of these suicides occur within a single demographic—youth and young-adults between the ages of 15-24. The worst part about this statistic is that the vast majority of these individuals are unable or unwilling to seek the professional care that they need to lead happy and healthy lives. Within this age group, suicide is the second leading cause of death.

We can change this grisly statistic.  Many factors including cultural, environmental, biological, psychological and social issues can lead to suicide attempts and it is vital as a part of society to educate yourself on what to look for to better help distressed individuals that may be in need. By spreading awareness we can do our part to cut down one of the world’s leading killers. New Hope promotes this awareness on a daily basis and assists troubled youth through these difficult and often confusing times. To honor this day of awareness, employees will be wearing yellow, purple and turquoise to show that we support this initiative and to further spread awareness of suicide prevention.

But we need your help. As stated above, the majority of suicide attempts go under the radar and come as a shock to family and friends. We need to not only promote suicide awareness, but we need to teach ourselves what to look for so we can spot a distressed individual before it is too late. For more information on how you can help or how you can learn what to look for please visit and promote these websites:

The International Association for Suicide Prevention –

Suicide Awareness Voices of Education –