New Hope Hero – Mr. Alex McCleave
- One Person – Alex McCleave.
- One Mission – Kids Being Successful.
- One Word – Hero.
Mr. Alex McCleave has faithfully served the youth at New Hope for almost 14 years. His infectious smile and uplifting spirit welcomes everyone. His calm demeanor can put even the most escalated youth at ease. Alex never raises his voice and never loses his temper. He provides guidance and security to our residents that most have never experienced. If you’ve worked in a residential setting you know the kind of staff that have the innate ability to connect with kids, to make them feel safe, to communicate a sense of understanding and attachment, allowing for growth and healing, Alex does all of these things extremely well.
Alex’s supervisor sums it up well. “I have had the pleasure of working with Alex since my first day at New Hope. Alex has always embodied the characteristics and traits of a true leader. He is calm and reasonable during a crisis, he is one of THE BEST de-escalators in the business, and his compassion for the residents shines through everything that he says and does. The passion he has for the work he does is inspirational to the kids in his care as well as the staff around him. Everyone in this building knows that “Alex has your back”. I have had more than a few youth, upon discharge, ask if they can keep in touch with Alex, many more have stated that he was the one who gave them the confidence and the support to follow their program and discharge successfully. Alex is also a tremendous mentor for staff! Both new and veteran staff come to Alex for advice on a regular basis”.
When asked “why” Alex had this to say, “I do what I do because I get complete satisfaction from my boys being successful.”
Thank you Mr. McCleave, you are a New Hope Hero!