New Hope Hero – Ms. Barbara Burroughs
New Hope Carolinas Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility never stops, it’s a 24 hour a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year operation. Great things happen every day across all three shifts. Third-shift in many industries can often be overlooked or discounted as not that important. But not with us. It’s not uncommon for our kids to have issues around sleep. This is largely due to previous traumatic events they have experienced, that now present as anxiety or fear around bed-time routines. Our third-shift staff, play a vital role in our kids healing by: being available for counsel in the middle of the night, being responsive to any needs, and by providing an environment that allows our residents the healthy sleep they deserve.
Our latest New Hope Hero, Ms. Barbara Burroughs, is one of our third-shift team members who leads the way in making sure kids get what they need overnight. Ms. Burroughs, is an increbile person, team member and role model. Her position as a Team Leader on third-shift is just the beginning of her contributions to the kids and staff of New Hope. She routinely volunteers for extra responsibilities: working extra shifts, staffing our entrance screening desk and working as a Guardian ad Litem in the community. Her gracious demeanor, sense of humor, radiant smile and overall infectious positive attitude impacts all who interact with her. She is a true professional care-giver in all that she does.

Here is Ms. Burroughs in her own words.
“I am blessed to be able to say, “ I absolutely love what I do @ New Hope Carolinas”. What do I love about the work I do? The children. Some days are more challenging than others, however I remind myself this is a Mental Health facility dealing with children with trauma and however mild or severe their behaviors, it is my job to provide exceptional care/treatment for our residents consistently. My journey began at New Hope Carolinas July 10, 2017. I started as an Residential Counselor within three months I was promoted to secondary Team Lead. There are several opportunities for growth within New Hope Carolinas. I love what I do at New Hope because it affords me the opportunity to be directly involved in the impact we have on our residents to equip them for discharge. Our residents are admitted as caterpillars and just like a caterpillar undergoes metamorphosis into a butterfly, at the end of treatment provided by New Hope Carolinas, I have seen residents discharge as butterflies. Knowing I have a part in the success of a resident is pleasure beyond my ability to articulate.”
Thank you, Ms. Burroughs for all you do for the kids and staff of New Hope!