New Hope Hero – Veronica Boden
Rock Hill, S.C., August 10, 2023 – Adaptability and a love for the impact she makes best describes our latest New Hope Hero.
Although Veronica Boden has been with New Hope Treatment Centers for only seven months, she has made her mark on everyone around her. Joining the company as a Transition Specialist, Veronica has consistently shown passion and enthusiasm for the families she has been serving, not just at New Hope, but throughout her career. She has shown dedication while earning her graduate degree for licensing and finishing her internship.
She has accomplished all this while maintaining a work-life balance. Veronica has ensured she connects with the families on her caseloads and goes beyond her role in ensuring that families have the resources needed to be successful. Even with all her responsibilities, Veronica still finds time to support her teammates and always offers her supervisor extra support in times of need. Veronica has also helped train newer transition specialists and jumps into action to aid the program.
While maintaining her responsibilities in her current role, Veronica also continues to take care of her family, pursue professional development in her career, and practice self-care. Veronica has continued to show resilience in balancing all aspects of her life and still provides excellent client care to the families she works with. Veronica’s compassion, passion, and dedication for what she does and those she cares for are outstanding.
In her own words, “I love being who I needed at one point or another in my life.” The ability to adjust and change and be who others need her to be at different times is truly heroic.